Are extra long hot water bottles safe for pregnant women to use?
Pregnant women deal with quite a lot every day. The cramps, soreness, tired feet. They’re in a constant state of varying levels of physical pain and discomfort, and their mental and emotional health suffers at times too.
There are many products that can ease the irritation. Hot water bottles are designed to at least ease or relieve women of pregnancy pains. It is a difficult task creating a new life within their own bodies – any bit of help is welcome.
Back pain is a common ailment of pregnant women
Back pain is common during pregnancy as the pelvis, joints and lower back are placed under increasing strain.
Is It Safe to Use a Hot Water Bottle when Pregnant?
Definitely, yes! Hot water bottles are still made with rubber as they can withstand high temperatures, but most hot water bottle nowadays already come covered with fabrics for both design and safety. The usual safety measures always apply and do not do anything dangerous or that you don’t feel comfortable with.
It’s also worth ensuring the following:
Your extra long hot water bottle neither has a split or is too worn.
Maintaining a fit and functioning bottle is vitally important.
Your hot water bottle is closed securely before using.
Ensure the stopper is screwed tightly and sufficiently closed. Once closed, turn the bottle upside down and give a short shake to remove any excess water and make sure there are no leaks.
You don’t fill your hot water bottle with boiling water.
Burns can happen so please be careful with the temperature of water you use.
You don’t sit on it or lay on it.
This obviously increases the chances of it popping or bursting. Never put excessive weight on the bottle.
And…you don’t use it together with an electric blanket.
Water and electric don’t mix. Enough said.

Heat therapy during pregnancy
Are you considering using heat therapy? Heat therapy during pregnancy is a great idea. It’s an effective and inexpensive way that you can relieve yourself of pregnancy-related pains and discomfort.
Your pregnant body protects your child the best that it can, and a little heat therapy from an external heat source wouldn’t negatively affect you or your baby.
Heat only becomes problematic when it’s your internal temperature that rises, and no water bottle has the ability to do this. This is why you should avoid saunas and hot tubs (not warm baths), and why it’s dangerous that you suffer from high fever when you’re pregnant.
Localised heat therapy is great, non-invasive way to find comfort in specific areas like back, hips, joints and muscles during your pregnancy. However you should avoid using a heat pack anywhere on your abdomen while pregnant.
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Can I Use a Hot Water Bottle for Abdominal Pregnancy Pains?
Proceed with caution! Figure out what’s causing the pain, because there could be several reasons for tummy aches during pregnancy. It is also very common for abdominal pains to disappear when applying heat therapy on your back rather than directly on your abdominal area.
Hot water bottles should always be covered and never left for more than a few minutes on your tummy. Physicians will also most likely advise you to take a warm bath or try a massage instead of using a hot water bottle for abdominal pains during pregnancy.

Can I Use an Extra Long Hot Water Bottle Instead?
Of course! Extra-long hot water bottles are perfect if you’re suffering from pregnancy pains because you can wrap them around your body. You can use them to ease back pains, neck pains, sore muscles, stiff necks, cramps, hip pains, and joint pains.
Regular hot water bottles are great for targeting small areas, but pregnancy pains are notorious for spanning the length of your back, around your hips, both of your legs, and many other areas. Extra-long hot water bottles allow you to apply heat to relieve pain from multiple areas all at once.
This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a qualified practitioner if you are unsure.